coin values guide proof sets

US Mint Releases 2007 Silver Mint Proof Set - Coin News.
1937 US Mint Proof Set Representing the second issue in the modern proof set era, the. Complete Guide to US Mint Proof Sets. for the next five years until proof coin production was once again halted.. each individual denomination and the complete set priced at $1.89, a price which included shipping to the customer.
1941 US Mint Proof Set The 1941 Proof Set would be the second to last set issued before. Complete Guide to US Mint Proof Sets. The proof coins could be ordered either individually or within a complete set, which. Face Value: $0.91.
Apr 16, 2013. Platinum Spots; Coin Price Guides & Information. US Mint. 2013 5-Star Generals Three-Coin Proof Sets, $546.50, $522.20. 2012 Proof First.
By James Bucki, GuideMay 7, 2012. The United States Mint will start taking orders for the 2012 Proof Set (clad) on May 7, 2012. and the Silver Proof Set will start at $67.95 (subject to change depending upon the price of silver).
. of reasons. It reached a new all time high mintage for the proof set with 3950762 sets.. Proof Set Guide. Complete Guide to US. The sets contained the last regular issue 90 ilver coins. The following. Face Value: $0.91. Original Issue.
1936 US Mint Proof Set The 1936 Proof Set is usually considered to mark the beginning of the modern era of proof sets.. Complete Guide to US Mint Proof Sets. In the year of release, the 1936 proof coins received somewhat of a lukewarm. Individual prices were 75 cents for the half dollar, 50 cents for the quarter.
1962 Proof Set | Information on US Mint Proof Sets.
coin values guide proof sets
2012 U.S. Proof Sets On Sale Today - Coins -
Platinum Spots; Coin Price Guides & Information. Price Guide · Rate of Return . US Mint Sales: Proof Sets and Silver Coins Most Dominant. by Mike Unser on.
Jun 16, 2008. Platinum Spots; Coin Price Guides & Information. These two sets are included in the 14-coin proof set for $1.95 less. Plus, the 14-coin set.
1995 US Mint Silver Proof Set The 1995 Silver Proof Set is considered to be one of the key. Complete Guide to US Mint Proof Sets. This contained the same coins, but the packaging was more advanced and the issue price was higher.
By James Bucki, GuideMay 31, 2012. This is unlike the United States silver proof set which is only made from 90 ilver and. But a lot of these coins still sell out at these exorbitant prices, so who's really the stupid ones here?
Feb 7, 2011. US 3-Coin Bicentennial Proof Set 1976. The Grey Sheet, a conservative price guide for US coins, lists the catalog value of perfect and pristine.
1995 Silver Proof Set | Information on US Mint Proof Sets.
Get the answers you need from buying guides on eBay in Mint, Proof Sets.. Melt Values of Coins are now responsible for the extinction of many worlds coins.
Coin Collecting Books, Commemorative Coins and more sold here! Coin, Coin Collecting Supplies, U.S. Coins, Proof Sets, Mint Sets. Price Guides Coin.
1999 Silver Proof Set | Information on US Mint Proof Sets.
US Proof & Mint Sets - Provident Metals Provident Metals.